Refereed Publications
- Zeilinger, A.R. D. Turek, D. Cornara, A. Sicard, S. Lindow, R.P.P. Almeida. 2018. Bayesian vector transmission model detects conflicting interactions from transgenic disease resistant grapevines. Ecosphere 9(11): e02494. DOI: 10.1002/ecs2.2494 [PDF]
- Del Cid, C., R. Krugner, A.R. Zeilinger, M. Daugherty, R.P.P. Almeida. 2018. Plant water stress and vector feeding preference mediate transmission efficiency of a plant pathogen. Environmental Entomology 47(6): 1471 – 1478. DOI: 10.1093/ee/nvy136 [PDF]
- Olson, D., A.R. Zeilinger, K. Prescott, A. Coffin, J. Ruberson, D. Andow. 2018. Landscape effects on Solinopsis invicta (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and Geocoris spp. (Hemiptera: Geocoridae), two important omnivorous arthropod taxa in field crops. Environmental Entomology 47(5): 1057 – 1063. DOI: 10.1093/ee/nvy104. In press. [PDF]
- Sicard, A., A.R. Zeilinger, M. Vanhove, T.E. Schartel, D.J. Beal, M.P. Daugherty, R.P.P. 2018. Almeida. Xylella fastidiosa: Insights into an emerging plant pathogen. Annual Review of Phytopathology. 56(9): 1-22. DOI: 10.1146/annurev-phyto-080417-045849.
- Olson, D., K. Prescott, A.R. Zeilinger, S. Hou, A. Coffin, C. Smith, J. Ruberson, D. Andow. 2018. Landscape effects on reproduction of Euschistus servus (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), a mobile, polyphagous, multivoltine arthropod herbivore. Environmental Entomology 47(3): 660-668. doi: 10.1093/ee/nvy045 [PDF]
- Mitchell, P.L., A.R. Zeilinger, E.G. Medrano, J.F. Esquivel. 2018. Pentatomids as vectors of plant pathogens. In McPherson, J. (ed.), Biology of Invasive Stink Bugs and Related Species (Pentatomoidea). Pgs. 611-642.
- Byrne, F.J., E.E. Grafton-Cardwell, J.G. Morse, A.E. Olguin, A.R. Zeilinger, C. Wilen, J. Bethke, M.P. Daugherty. 2018. Assessing the risk of containerized citrus contributing to Asian citrus psyllid (Diaphorina citri) spread in California: residence times and insecticide residues at retail nursery outlets. Crop Protection 109: 33-41. 10.1016/j.cropro.2018.02.024 [PDF]
- Rapacciuolo G, J.E. Ball-Damerow, A.R. Zeilinger, V.H. Resh. 2017. Detecting long-term occupancy changes in Californian odonates from natural history and citizen science records. Biodiversity and Conservation 1–17. doi: 10.1007/s10531-017-1399-4 [PDF]
- Daugherty, M.P., A.R. Zeilinger, R.P.P. Almeida. 2017. Conflicting effects of climate and vector behavior on the spread of a plant pathogen. Phytobiomes. 1(1): 46-53. doi: 10.1094/PBIOMES-01-17-0004-R. [PDF]
- Zeilinger, A.R., G. Rapacciuolo, D. Turek, P.T. Oboyski, R.P.P. Almeida, G.K. Roderick. 2017. Museum specimen data reveal emergence of a plant disease may be linked to increases in the insect vector population. Ecological Applications. 27(6): 1827-1837. doi: 10.1002/eap.1569 [PDF]
- Labroussaa, F., M. Ionescu, A.R. Zeilinger, S. Lindow, R.P.P. Almeida. 2017. A chitinase is required for Xylella fastidiosa colonization of its insect and plant hosts. Microbiology. 163: 502-509. doi: 10.1099/mic.0.000438.
- Cornara, D., A. Sicard, A.R. Zeilinger, F. Porcelli, A.H. Purcell, R.P.P. Almeida. Transmission of Xylella fastidiosa to grapevine by the meadow spittlebug. Phytopathology. doi: 10.1094/PHYTO-05-16-0202-R
- Cornara, D., M. Saponari, A.R. Zeilinger, A. de Stradis, D. Boscia, G. Loconsole, D. Bosco, G. Martelli, R.P.P. Almeida, F. Porcelli. 2016. Spittlebugs as vectors of Xylella fastidiosa in olive orchards in Italy. Journal of Pest Science. 90(2): 521-530. doi: 10.1007/s10340-016-0793-0 [PDF]
- Labroussaa, F. A.R. Zeilinger, R.P.P. Almeida. Blocking the transmission of a non-circulative vector-borne plant pathogenic bacterium. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. 29(7): 535-544. doi: 10.1094/MPMI-02-16-0032-R
- Zeilinger, A.R., D.M. Olson, D.A. Andow. Competitive release and outbreaks of non-target pests associated with transgenic Bt cotton. Ecological Applications. 26(4): 1047–1054. doi: 10.1890/15-1314 [PDF]
- Zeilinger, A.R., D.M. Olson, D. MacLean, N. Mori, R. Nakata, D.A. Andow. 2015. Behavioral and chemical mechanisms of deterrence and attraction among frugivorous insects. Ecological Entomology. DOI: 10.1111/een.12221 [PDF]
- Daugherty, M.P., S. O’Neill, F. Byrne, A. R. Zeilinger. 2015. Is vector control sufficient to limit pathogen spread in vineyards? Environmental Entomology. DOI: 10.1093/ee/nvv046
- Zeilinger, A.R., D.M. Olson, T. Raygoza, D.A. Andow. 2015. Do counts of salivary sheath flanges predict food consumption in herbivorous stink bugs [Hemiptera: Pentatomidae]? Annals of the Entomological Society of America. DOI: 10.1093/aesa/sau011 [PDF]
- Zeilinger, A.R., D.M. Olson, D.A. Andow. 2014. A likelihood-based bio-statistical model for analyzing consumer movement in simultaneous choice experiments. Environmental Entomology 43(4): 977-988. doi: 10.1603/EN13287 [PDF] [Github]
- Zeilinger, A.R., M.P. Daugherty. 2014. Vector preference and host defense against infection interact to determine disease dynamics. Oikos 123: 613-622. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0706.2013.01074.x
- Andow, D.A., G.L. Lövei , S. Arpaia, L. Wilson, E.M.G. Fontes, A. Hilbeck, A. Lang, Nguyễn V.T., C.S.S. Pires, E.R. Sujii, C. Zwahlen, A.N.E. Birch, D.M.F. Capalbo, K. Prescott, C. Omoto, and A.R. Zeilinger. 2013. An ecologically-based method for selecting ecological indicators for assessing risks to biological diversity from genetically-engineered plants. Journal of Biosafety 22(3) 141-156. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1787.2013.03.000 [PDF]
- Zeilinger, A.R., D.M. Olson, D.A. Andow. 2011. Competition between stink bug and heliothine caterpillar pests on cotton at within-plant spatial scales. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 141: 59-70. doi: 10.1111/j.1570-7458.2011.01165.x [PDF]
- Olson, D.M., J.R. Ruberson, A.R. Zeilinger, D.A. Andow. 2011. Colonization preference of Euschistus servus and Nezara viridula in transgenic cotton varieties, peanuts and soybeans. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 139: 161-169. doi: 10.1111/j.1570-7458.2011.01116.x [PDF]
- Kokotovitch, A. E., A. R. Zeilinger. 2011. Exploring social and institutional variation across oak wilt risk management programs in Minnesota. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 10: 39-45. doi:10.1016/j.ufug.2010.09.004 [PDF]
- Zeilinger, A. R., D.A. Andow, C. Zwahlen, G. Stotzky. 2010. Earthworm populations in a northern U.S. Cornbelt soil are not affected by long-term cultivation of Bt maize expressing Cry1Ab and Cry3Bb1 proteins. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 42: 1284-1292. doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2010.04.004 [PDF]
Non-refereed Publication
- A. R. Zeilinger, D. M. Olson, D. A. Andow. A User’s Guide to Markov Consumer Choice Models in R. 2014. Published on-line at
- Daugherty, M., A. R. Zeilinger, F. Byrne, B. Grafton-Cardwell. 2013. Challenges with implementing IPM for urban infestations of the Asian citrus psyllid in California: current status and recommendations. ADVISER magazine. California Association of Pest Control Advisers.
- Daugherty, M.P., T. Pinckard, S. Davenport, F. Byrne, A. R. Zeilinger. 2013. How effective is sharpshooter control at limiting Pierce’s disease spread in California vineyards? Proceedings of the International Symposium on Insect Vectors and Insect-borne diseases. pp. 71-82.
- Kokotovitch, A. E., A. R. Zeilinger. 2008. A few sides of ‘the social’ in oak wilt risk management: A study of local programs and their relationships to state management through in-depth interviews. in Venette, R., Homans, F. (eds.) Integrating Biological and Social Science to Assess Management Success of an Exotic Invasive Tree Pathogen, pp. 64-90; report submitted to Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, July 2008.